IMF Engineering Polska

IMF Engineering Polska Sp. z o.o. is a company providing comprehensive design and supervision services. We offer you our services in the field of sanitary, technological, electrical, teletechnical or building automation installations. We provide full construction supervision along with construction management and workshop documentation.

We also offer as-built documentation on the basis of point cloud.






Years active

In Poland and worldwide


Join our team

There are many reasons to work at IMF Poland. Of course, not everything is equally important to everyone. People are very different. And that's who can and should be at IMF. We are friends of diversity.


We operate on the Polish market. We also have a network of contacts far beyond the country's borders. Our young company combines the dynamics of a startup with the background of an experienced mentor.


Meet our German partner:

Gerald Fulst
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Sebastian Rejer
Executive Director
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Olga Olszewska-Rejer
Sanitary Infrastructure Manager
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Krzysztof Chmielewski
BIM Engineer / Project Manager
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Aleksandra Czerniak
Sanitary Designer
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Radosław Ochmański
Electrical Designer
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Marek Pluta
Mechanical and Sanitary Designer
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Aleksandra Rejer
HVAC Project engineer
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Vivek Vinayakumar
Piping engineer
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Jakub Nonna
BIM engineer
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Anna Szajek
INFRA Project engineer
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Jan Helak
SAN Designer
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Artur Jany
SAN Designer
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Mateusz Welenc
HVAC Designer
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Natalia Spychalska
ELT Designer
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Artur Pospieszynski
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Krzysztof Pralat
HVAC Designer
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Grzegorz Rozwadowski
HVAC Project engineer

Maciej Sobota
Project manager
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Jakub Telinski
MSR Designer
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Patrycja Wojtyra
Office Assistant